RF Reno 
Chinese Version
Problems and symptoms of skin dehydration
Peeling, tightness, sensitivity, itching
The skin will be dry, itchy, tight
Easy sunburn, pain, itching reaction

Avoid using alcohol and oil control products, and you can reapply sunscreen every 3 to 4 hours. It is recommended to use sunscreen with no irritating ingredients

Easy to get too dry and cracky makeup
The makeup looks chapped and peeling

Avoid using pressed powder or oil control pine powder, they will absorb excess oil or moisture. You should always prepare a spray container and fill it with moisturizing water.
You can spray your face to replenish moisture at any time when you go out

Skin Secret  RF RENO 
No needle injection, but can reach the EPI layer of the skin that the mask cannot repair
use thermal energy to stimulate skin collagen regeneration
Strong penetration
The effect of penetrate is 100 times than ultrasound
high-end design
Penetrates every inch of skin
The chip is made of copper
In addition to rapidly pumping nutrients deep into the skin, negative ions are also generated when copper comes into contact with the skin.
Skin Secret Beauty 's  Demo 
skin secret beauty 's customer
Before  After  Treatment
Improve peeling, dry and cracked skin
90 % effective just 1 treatment
say good bye to hydrated skin
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